1st article in 2011 and today is a good day!! 11111 ♥
Dun like to rewind my 2010. I knew i have a great memories in last year. Although i'm refresh again, but who dont? This kind of ups and downs gains life experience.
Thankiu♥ for those who spend times with me in 2010, i have nothing special, but bcos of u, my life is beautiful ♥♥
For me, i treated 2011 as my achievement year. Of course 25years old, i cant be so childish, playful or immature. Set some goals for myself to achieve, and i swear i gonna achieve ALL before 2012 come!
Here are some goals i set:
Be Healthy gal (:
I done my body check up at dec,2010. Even i havnt get my report yet, but doctor advise me to more exercise bcos of my vital capacity is not so good. N i really gaining weight for pass few months. I have 6 weddings dinners to attend in tis year. and i hopes i can slim down!!
My target is 10kgs for half year :D

I consider to attend Yoga Class for longtime. And Weon and Carol dar, lets sign it within tis month! xD
Beside that, Doctor advise me to do exercise such as Jogging, Swimming & Hiking (?!) three times a week. I decide to have Jogging next week onward. I dun think i can Hiking three times a week loh >.<''

So, i should get myself a pair of running shoe. Maybe New Balance? Say truly, i dun have any sport shoe in my cabinet, cos i hate sweat ( and lazy?! lolx) ! but for my health, i think i should start it!
Get well done on my work!
I have start a new job for pass four months. I'm so enjoying (: Although sometimes i need to work for quite late, but i really think it makes me grows up in tis society. I take it serious and i hope can stay this company for at least one year. I still have many things need to learn!

Babychia bought tis reddish planner for me as xmas pressie 2010. I likey so much! ♥ so, well-planned is a MUST for tis year. hahahahaha
Saving and get some investment

Say honestly, I dun have lots saving in my bank. :( I really need to take seriously have a good saving habbit in tis year. I had bought Saving Insurance last year, but too little! N i plan to invest a house with my babychia. Come on, Dream come trues faster! *v*
2 places for travel tis year ♥♥♥

(Pic stolen from Weon babe's facebook album)
Beside working and saving $, travel always best choice for me to relax and learn other country's culture. Planning travel to taiwan with my babychia and his 2 sisters, i dreaming it now!! But still need to wait until end of tis year.
Another place, i hopes can bring my mummy and my family. Maybe bangkok or china. She been a good housewife for pass 24 years. She never complains for housework, and never request for good food or nice dress, and travel also. I wanna bring her go travel before she getting older ♥
Well, i was so surprised i had wrote for soooooo long + i using english! lolx
2011 just start 11 days, let's work with smile and passion tis year! ♥
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Happy 2011 :)
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