1.The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2.Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3.At the end of the game the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 1:26pm
Name : 猫子 kate
Sisters : 叫jojor
Brothers : 一个叫holly 一个叫starry
Shoe size : 嗯 女生最大40号
Height : 167cm
Where do you live : jaybee
Favourite drinks : 做工提神好帮手 [pokka green tea ]
Favourite breakfast : tuna sandwich
Have you ever been on a plane : 有有有 去了台湾 香港还有广州
Swam in the ocean : 当然 但游不远
Fallen asleep in school : 谁没有过?
Broken someone's heart : 谁没错过?
Fell off your chair : 不堪的事 不是很记得 哈哈哈哈哈
Sat by the phone and waiting for someone to call : 当暗恋萌起,谁都会呗?
What is your room like : 有点昏暗的黄灯 配上棕色花叶窗帘的塔塔米房间
What's right beside you : baby chia送的 w910i
What is the last thing you ate : mee siam vf 五香
Ever had chicken pox : 很小很小的时候 脸上现在还有印疤呢
Sore throat : 时常
Stitches : 偶尔
Broken nose : 鼻窦炎 算吗?
Do you believe in love at first sight : 还没发生在我身上 50%相信
Like picnics : yaya, 一直向往 和贵妇们一起
Who was, were the last person you danced with : annabelle 干女儿 XD
Last made you smile : 谢宝贝is coming bac now!!
You last yelled at : 最近好像都没有
Today did you :
Talk to someone you like : yup. my frens my family
Kissed anyone : 谢宝贝还没到 ><><>
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. bbq
2. talk as i can vf my daobazzgang's frenss
3. 把生日礼物给谢宝贝
4. 把贵妇馆的资料给萧主席
5. hug my baby chia n my dar. no 2 evonne seow =p
5 snacks i enjoy
1. pokka green tea-jasmine favour
2. 车轮饼
3. kinder brueno
4. 维他奶
5. 芒果布丁
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire
1. 给我爸妈去环游世界
2. 贵妇馆 开张
3. 买印钞票的机器
4. 投资 赚double
5. 买地建屋子
5 of my bad habits
1. 懒惰
2. 不会直接表明 喜欢 还是不喜欢
3. 太主观
4. 紧张时会咬指甲
5. 太独立 (这算吗?)
5 places i have lived in
1. 苯珍
2. 康乐花园
3. subang jaya
4. jaybee
5. permaisuri XD
5 people i'm tagging is
1. 小花 贵妇
2. 亲爱的
3. 小湘 贵妇
4. 伊佩
5. 彩羚妹