Kate in da Twitter ❤

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is time to plan. ❤ Is time to decide.

总是到达思维上的某一个 点 时
才会想说 是时候了。

总是 如此的想法。

是时候 去突破
是时候 去改进
是时候 去转变

挥洒,用血汗 去。

然后 停笔 不拖滞。

_we're going to decide how to live_

这是 态度。
生活 态度。

p/s: 我们都希望自己以后的生活是live without worries, isnt?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

See you in AUGUST♥

i'm waiting for tis!!!!

save $$ save $$

buy as much as i can

Weon darling, i want go vf u !!!!!

*** *** *** ***
Date: 22 Aug 09 - 31 Aug 09
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


最近 去问了个课程。想说要为自己upgrade一下。
圈圈的 就是我的时间啦。
[明眼人] 看得出吧 就是在星期五-星期天。

哪晓得 时间竟然安排在weekend!
朋友们 你们说 你们说
这 这合理吗?
weekend是放松的时候嘛 =.='''
朋友们 你们说 你们说

p/s: 老关别再给我 天使和恶魔交接了!!

Monday, June 08, 2009


我和谢宝贝 还有爸妈 去接我弟
他去参加了 [超级激励营]-行为改造工程 (Attitude Reformation Project)
场面不能说小 因为很多各地区的超级补习学院的学生 都参加了。

回到JB, 最大最大的收获
就是和家人的关系 越来越亲密
真的,♥thm so much.

我弟在把 [感恩的话] 对我妈还有爸说出!
[爱要勇敢说出 >_^ 呵]


last sat nite,
actually i'm planning to give wee yaw a birthday suprise

but whn i calling to baliaqueen,
she told me weeyaw is on the way go fetch her makan dinner!

=.='' well...thn no need to giv suprise anymore
so we decided to meet up.

from started only me, ken, balia queen, wee yaw, peizhen, qiqi(peizzhen's son) and ah gou
n qiqi is feeling sleepy thn they leave first
and we keep calling daobazz's gang member,
until the end,
wei hong n liting are joining us go for some drink.
tat's great to see them in last weekend n hav a great moment.

caption: whn starting, weeyaw is very talkative, until last he damn tired to talk >_<

we went to permas jaya, coffetrap
drink drink drink
chit chat chit chat chit chat
funny thing is we forgot to sing bday song till i realize
its already 1am plus!!

i should said
♥ is surrounding me now.
i have a gang of sistaz, lovely family, baby chia& a lots of frenssssss
i'm satisfied.