Yes. blog title is exactly what i want to says now.
It's really a busy month for me.But, i felt great that i starts busy now. ( hope that it does not only a month >_<'')
[ job+study]. And i knew it's hard to maintain it as balance as well.
never mind, juz keep telling myself that make myself be more tough
so that i can use my life to de max =)

i read a book. Have a sentence that mention inside : [ Today is a present].
present= present tense, and also define as a gift.❤
A day just have only 24 hours. and we couldn't make ourself extend time for us to spend n waste.
We used 8 hours for sleep, 3hours to eat, 2 hours on facebook, 3 hours for chit chat with frens for a day, so how many hours left for us to do something that might can change our life for better way?
Today also a gift from god for us. So, don't simply spend our day to where that might be wasteful for us. Treasure your frens, family, relationship, and anything that u love. =)
P/S: That is wat i'm doing now. ❤
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